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Het Mysterie van de Mondscheinsonate (1935)

Crime | 91 minutes
2,80 10 votes

Genre: Crime / Mystery

Duration: 91 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Kurt Gerron

Stars: Louis de Bree and Louis Saalborn

IMDb score: 5,4 (35)

Releasedate: 6 November 1934


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Het Mysterie van de Mondscheinsonate plot

Enrica Maerlant, a dancer married to a wealthy businessman, wants to return to the stage and is shot dead during an intimate rehearsal with her former partner, Darinoff. Inspector Lund (Louis de Bree) investigates. Whoever played the Mondscheinsonata over the telephone is the murderer. Especially the former partner is suspected, but Inspector Lund also suspects his new partner Yva, Lucie and Joost Maerlant, the driver and the maid.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Inspecteur Lund

Enrica Maerlant

Sascha Darinoff

Lucie Maerlant

Joost Maerlant

Chauffeur Thijs

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