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Fatevi Vivi: La Polizia Non Interverrà (1974)

Crime | 90 minutes
2,67 6 votes

Genre: Crime / Action

Duration: 90 minuten

Alternative title: Kidnap

Country: Italy

Directed by: Giovanni Fago

Stars: Henry Silva

IMDb score: 5,3 (98)

Releasedate: 8 March 1974


Fatevi Vivi: La Polizia Non Interverrà plot

Police veteran Caprile faces a brutal kidnapping. He knows that there is little to do but wait for a call from the kidnappers with their demands, or that there may be a tip to get through a hooker or an informant. But Caprile immediately suspects that the mafia kingpin Frank Salvatore has something to do with it, and therefore makes it quite difficult for his organization. This ensures that Salvatore also throws himself into solving the kidnap...

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