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The Holiday (2006)

Comedy | 138 minutes
3,28 2.454 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 138 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Nancy Meyers

Stars: Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet and Jude Law

IMDb score: 7,0 (345.376)

Releasedate: 5 December 2006

The Holiday plot

"It's Christmas Eve and we are going to go celebrate being young and being alive."

Amanda (Cameron Diaz) is an American who is experiencing some problems in her relationship. To get away from all this nagging, she exchanges her house for that of an unknown Englishwoman during the holidays. As a result, she enters the life of Iris (Kate Winslet) and they temporarily take over each other's lives.

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I have rarely seen such a dull romantic film as The Holiday. The talents of excellent actors and actresses are misused to tell a forced and saccharine love story.

Films like Love Actually and The Notebook may come across as sweet, but they still have fun, relatable characters and humor to spice it up.

Cameron Diaz is unbearable from the very first moment; her character is written downright obnoxious and farcical. Jude Law is conveniently portrayed as the perfect father and gentleman (and hey, widower too, he must be perfect), but Cameron Diaz really doesn't have one quality that makes her likeable. The encounter with Jude Law is not only unbelievable but also very badly written. Where most romantic films still use a bit of spice and humor to break through the sweetness, here it is just a lot of sluggishness.

Kate Winslet is a lot better and is in her storyline is still assisted by a fine Eli Wallach. But so little fun is done with it. Even Jack Black (humorous and exuberant in his 'own' way in most of his roles) was reduced to a dull, humorless daap in this film.

As a viewer, you spend more than two hours watching a film about people who are not the least bit interesting. What a drama.

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Roger Thornhill

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When I see The holiday, I always think of what American film critic Marvin Kitman said when he told his doctor that he wouldn't watch movies with Doris Day: "I have a family history of diabetes. " Rarely have I seen such a sweet movie where almost everyone is nice and wants the best for each other, people open their doors to total strangers to let them use their toilet, little girls immediately like potential new mothers instead of approach them as Snow White's stepmother, and teach a 90-year-old hermit to walk again. Not to mention that the script that was sent to Jack Black apparently lacked the page with his character drawing, because his character is really completely empty and weightless.

So is there anything good about this movie? Yes : it is an honor to still see the old Eli Wallach at work, there are some nice supporting roles (from the ex-lovers) as well as a funny cameo (in the video library), and despite myself I was still moved by the relationship between Diaz and Law. Well, I'm and always will be a sentimental snotter – that scene where Diaz finds out who's hiding behind the names of the girls that keep calling Law... Pretty much the most guilty pleasure in my video cabinet.

By the way, Cameron Diaz is not only an excellent comedian, but I don't know anyone who can run as elegantly yet convincingly as she does - at one point she runs in huge heels at high speed across a snowy field, and it still looks graceful from. She never became a favorite actress of mine, but I'm starting to appreciate her more and more (and no, not just because of her walking ability).

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