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Surviving Christmas (2004)

Comedy | 92 minutes
2,54 357 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 92 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Mike Mitchell

Stars: Ben Affleck, Christina Applegate and James Gandolfini

IMDb score: 5,5 (29.381)

Releasedate: 21 September 2004

Surviving Christmas plot

When wealthy Drew Latham is dumped by his girlfriend, it seems that Drew will once again have to spend the Christmas season alone. But on the advice of his therapist, he returns to the house where he used to live with his parents. Drew now decides to pay the family, who now live in the house, a large sum of money if they want to pretend to be his family over Christmas.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Drew Latham

Christine Valco

Missy Vanglider


Horace Vanglider

Letitia Vanglider

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Surviving Christmas certainly has its moments and the family is not bad but Ben Affleck gets on the nerves. The mediocre screenplay doesn't do the film any good either. Applegate remains a pleasant appearance and provides advantages.


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Mediocre film in which a rich man pays a family to celebrate Christmas with him as a family. In itself a nice fact that here and there is also funny (sometimes a bit bland). Ben Affleck is quite annoying especially during the first half. This is somewhat made up for by James Gandolfini and Christina Applegate.

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There is more wrong with this film, but the failure of Affleck here is the element that stands out. A complete lack of comedic timing, acting talent and sense of drama make his lead role a real ordeal, and by extension the entire film.

It also doesn't help that the situation humor is really annoying rather than funny crazy. A bit of sharp grunting alla Bad Santa is nice, but the characters here are really annoying and their whining starts to get on their nerves very quickly.

And there really isn't much else. The idea is simple but actually still quite nice, it's just the execution that is really unsatisfactory. Sour and annoying Christmas film, but I could have expected that from Mitchell.


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