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Starting Over (1979)

Comedy | 105 minutes
2,70 27 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 105 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Alan J. Pakula

Stars: Burt Reynolds, Jill Clayburgh and Candice Bergen

IMDb score: 6,4 (3.372)

Releasedate: 5 October 1979

Starting Over plot

"He wants to straighten out his life.... one way or another"

Jessica and Phil Potter's marriage is in tatters. There is no place for him in her life anymore. Phil travels to Boston where his older brother Michael lives with his wife Marva. Phil moves into an apartment but regularly eats with his brother and sister-in-law. When he is walking to the house one evening, a young woman steps in front of him. At one point she turns and tells him she has a knife in her pocket. She wants him to leave. When he arrives at Michael's, he sees Marilyn again. She just told me that someone was trying to assault her.

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