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Obsluhoval Jsem Anglického Krále (2006)

Comedy | 120 minutes
3,48 166 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 120 minuten

Alternative title: I Served the King of England

Country: Czech Republic / Slovakia

Directed by: Jirí Menzel

Stars: Ivan Barnev, Oldřich Kaiser and Julia Jentsch

IMDb score: 7,3 (8.348)

Releasedate: 11 January 2007

Obsluhoval Jsem Anglického Krále plot

Czechoslovakia, the 1930s: Jan Dite is a young, adventurous man who has ambitions to go far in life. In the end, partly thanks to love, he sided with the German occupier. Years later he lives as a hermit in an abandoned German village. The other residents were arrested after the war or moved elsewhere. When a beautiful young woman arrives in the village, Jan has to think back to his adventurous youth and how things could have turned out this way.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Jan Dítě

Old Jan Dítě

Maître Skřivánek

Hotel Manager Brandejs

Prague Golden City Hotel Manager

Hotel Manager Tichota

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