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Mannenharten 2 (2015)

Comedy | 90 minutes
2,44 211 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 90 minuten

Alternative title: Men in the City 2

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Mark de Cloe

Stars: Daan Schuurmans, Barry Atsma and Jeroen Spitzenberger

IMDb score: 5,7 (985)

Releasedate: 17 December 2015


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Mannenharten 2 plot

Also in Men's Hearts 2, love turns out to be anything but a fairy tale. The baby of Wouter (Jeroen Spitzenberger) and Nicole (Katja Herbers) mainly drives them apart. As a starting children's book writer, she especially has an eye for her nice books and ditto publisher. As a result, Wouter plunges once more into the brash student life. Together with Tim (Daan Schuurmans), who has just returned from his trip and has decided to stay single for a while, which is easier said than done. Dennis (Barry Atsma) falls head over heels for a new singing talent, but she doesn't give in so easily. Just like Niels, who decides to take a completely different approach after a decorating course. And then there is the hopelessly romantic Younes, who is looking for the girl with whom he had one unforgettable night. In short: the search for love continues in all its intensity...

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Captain Pervert

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After Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) to my wife, it was payback time for her. She liked that movie, but no matter how fun or good a sci-fi superhero movie is: it remains a sci-fi superhero movie and that is a reason for revenge. Sweet revenge. Sweet revenge.

After finishing Mannenharten (2013), Netflix suggested this sequel. My mind was already at zero, so come on, then I'll have some change for when the next Marvel movie comes along.

Mannenharten 2 is more of the same, but even stupider. I have nothing against a good romantic comedy, but they have to be better put together than this. The film is a series of somewhat funny situations interspersed with whining scenes, but if you look at each story separately it is stupid, simple and can be summarized in five words. "Cyclist without Facebook finds dream woman", for example. Or: "Jealous father wants more freedom." Or: "Schuurmans dumps yoga hippie for ex". Or: "Atsma in love with a red-haired squatter resident".

Once again the script is to blame for this. Just like the previous part, this film is also a remake of a German comedy. A comedy in Germany. It's like asking Nigerians to make an igloo. Or Iranians a bikini. And just as Iranians are given a little more freedom under their new president and can get a taste of what it is to be a modern Western country, Germany is about where we were in 1980 in terms of comedy. Say, with Andre van Duin, who accidentally ended up in a bucket of paint steps, that level. They are just now starting to be discovered there.

No, it's bad. Nice: Barbara Sloesen is a very beautiful doll to look at.

2 stars

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Apparently this is a sequel to part 1, I read later. I just thought this was the same kind of movie with new characters. However, I really don't remember anything from that first film. Completely interchangeable characters and this sequel is not much better. All problems in love and in the end everything is peace and quiet. The actors can't do much with it either, although I always like Schuurmans. At least not for a moment that it bothered me. Oh well, visually it was okay and the movie didn't bother me. Even Atsma wasn't irritated. So I don't go for the lowest scores.1.5*

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I personally think it's better than part 1. Maybe I'm a bit childish, but I think that joke of "How do you want your egg cooked, fried or fertilized tomorrow" is simply genius. It's just really funny! But that's my sense of humor.

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