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The full cast of Lotta & die Großen Erwartungen

Here you will find an overview of the cast of the movie Lotta & die Großen Erwartungen from the year 2012, including all the actors, actresses and the director. When you click on the name of an actor, actress or director from the movie Lotta & die Großen Erwartungen-cast you can watch more movies and/or series by him or her. Click here for more infomation about the movie.

We have made an overview that includes: actors, directors, the production team, the camera team, writers and other crew members.


Edzard Onneken

Edzard Onneken



Sebastian Orlac

Sebastian Orlac


Actors & actresses

Josefine Preuss

Josefine Preuss

Lotta Brinkhammer
Frank Röth

Frank Röth

Meinolf Brinkhammer
Bernhard Piesk

Bernhard Piesk

Sebastian Brinkhammer
Jule Ronstedt

Jule Ronstedt

Ruth Herford
Jockel Tschiersch

Jockel Tschiersch

Gregor Kurtacker
Christian Grashof

Christian Grashof

Alter Meissner (Conrad)
Irm Hermann

Irm Hermann

Frau Johansson
Dagmar von Thomas

Dagmar von Thomas

Frau Siefert
Antje von der Ahe

Antje von der Ahe

Frau Meissner
Marlies Baranyai

Marlies Baranyai

Marlies Brinkhammer
Ceci Carter

Ceci Carter

Schwester Gianna
Jörg Pose

Jörg Pose

Gerd Meissner
Arnel Taci

Arnel Taci

Marina Weis

Marina Weis

Schwester Nadjeschda
Us Conradi

Us Conradi

Frau Sasse
Daan Lennard Liebrenz

Daan Lennard Liebrenz



Marco Uggiano

Marco Uggiano

Camera Operator


Ali N. Askin

Ali N. Askin
