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Losin' It (1983)

Comedy | 100 minutes
2,44 34 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 100 minuten

Alternative title: Onze Eerste Wip

Country: United States / Canada

Directed by: Curtis Hanson

Stars: Tom Cruise, Shelley Long and Jackie Earle Haley

IMDb score: 4,9 (5.452)

Releasedate: 20 August 1982

Losin' It plot

"The last word about the first time."

1965. Four school friends go to Mexico to visit a top brothel to have their first sexual experience. Along the way, they meet a saleswoman who goes with them to settle her divorce in Mexico.

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Reasonable film in which four teenagers drive to Mexico for a wild evening. The film takes a while to get going, but it becomes increasingly entertaining. In terms of sex comedy, it's a bit on the good side. This can certainly not be called good, but secretly it is fun. Also nice to see a young Tom Cruise here, but it is Jackie Earle Haley who does it best.

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Three friends travel to Tijuana, Mexico, to hit the whore bars. They get into some difficult situations with, among others, a corrupt sheriff, combative marines and a group of tough Mexican youths. Tom Cruise in one of his first roles plays the quiet romantic, while Stockwell plays the brawler Spider and the strange-looking Haley as the oversexed David. They are joined by an older woman (Shelley Long) who runs away from an argument with her husband on a whim.

There are some nice things in it, that's for sure, but it's a fairly run-of-the-mill sex comedy (by the director of LA Confidential) that doesn't immediately stand out for its brilliant ideas. These types of films had no more pretensions than to simply entertain.

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The first fifteen minutes of the film suggest the worst with what looks like a decoction of Porky's. But once they end up in Tijuana, it takes a very nice turn to become an entertaining film. The boys' sexcapades are interwoven in a series of adventures on Mexican soil. Nice storylines and funny situations where we like to play with Mexican stereotypes. It's set in the '50s (that Porky'sfeel) with an accompanying soundtrack. Of course Tom Cruise is an eye-catcher here. When you see him here... you would never expect him to have such a top career afterwards.

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