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Lady in Cement (1968)

Comedy | 93 minutes
2,81 52 votes

Genre: Comedy / Crime

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Gordon Douglas

Stars: Frank Sinatra, Raquel Welch and Richard Conte

IMDb score: 5,8 (2.871)

Releasedate: 19 November 1968


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Lady in Cement plot

"A beautiful body under water. A private eye in over his head."

Private detective Tony Rome (Sinatra) makes a macabre discovery while swimming: the corpse of a woman is cast into cement with her feet. What seems like a simple matter quickly becomes complicated.

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A Sinatra vehicle full of inside jokes. The story is not too much, and the mostly absent action/tension is negated by even one of the least exciting/fast car chases ever on celluloid. Not to mention the shark scene, scary.

As a comedy, this private eye flick is fortunately successful. The funny one-liners fly around your ears and the corny soundtrack is too cheerful. Swinging with your hips during a random shoot-out or a fight.

The film adaptation of the third book about Tony Rome was no longer realized due to this flop. Didn't even know there was a 'part 1', Tony Rome (1967), see if I can find it somewhere and if it as entertaining as this picture.

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Nice to see once, it never gets high, but at the time this would have been great cinema fun for the youngsters for whom it was intended. Anyone who has seen the first (Tony Rome) will realize that this sequel has been created very casually and fleetingly. Some moments from that film are shamelessly repeated here, the plot is a bit more difficult to follow and also shows more gaps than with the first, but who cares? The gorgeous ladies are the main trump card, especially of course Mrs. Welch who almost steals the film from the very old Sinatra with only a few scenes. For the elderly among us: very nice to see the world famous childhood hero Hoss from Bonanza in a film, the makers visibly did not dare to make a bad guy of him. A bond light film, witness the beginning, a variant on the infamous scene from Goldfinger.

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Daring mix of comedy and mystery. Daring because a mix of both is not so obvious now. This is a neo noir injected with sixties hipster tongue in cheek humour/references. Those specific references to the cultural undercurrent of the time make it an interesting time capsule. The story is okay and so are the acting performances. Sinatra was apparently very difficult to work with on this film as he went through a personal trough (divorce from Mia Farrow) and treated the director like a lackey in his employ. Whatever the case, this movie still looks good. The score is real poppy sixties fluff that wavers between a yeah yeah level and an occasional psychedelic guitar. It strikes me that these kinds of scores - hip for that time - become outdated much faster than the scores of classic Hollywood (with classical orchestra). Visually it is an enjoyable film with the use of fresh colors and the proximity of Miami beach. It's also just camp and yes in this case I can taste it.

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