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Kvinnors Väntan (1952)

Comedy | 107 minutes
2,98 28 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 107 minuten

Alternative titles: Waiting Women / Secrets of Women / Wachtende Vrouwen / Geheimen van Vrouwen

Country: Sweden

Directed by: Ingmar Bergman

Stars: Eva Dahlbeck, Maj-Britt Nilsson and Gunnar Björnstrand

IMDb score: 7,0 (3.095)

Releasedate: 3 November 1952

Kvinnors Väntan plot

"The love affairs of three women - marital... premarital... and one marvelous surprise!"

Rakel, Marta, Karin and Annette are married to four brothers. While waiting for their husbands in a summer cottage, they tell each other stories about their marriage. Rakel talks about the time she had an affair with her childhood sweetheart and how she confronted her husband about it. Marta's story is about how she was seduced and got pregnant. Karin tells about what happened when one day she and her husband got stuck in an elevator. As the women tell each other these stories, Marta's younger sister Maj plans to run off with the fourth brother.

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