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He Never Died (2015)

Comedy | 99 minutes
2,97 305 votes

Genre: Comedy / Horror

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States / Canada

Directed by: Jason Krawczyk

Stars: Henry Rollins, Booboo Stewart and Steven Ogg

IMDb score: 6,3 (22.492)

Releasedate: 18 December 2015

He Never Died plot

"Bullets. Blood. Bingo."

Jack's life is in a rut. Due to depression and severe anti-social behaviour, he does nothing but sleep and watch television. He sees the human race as nothing but flesh with a pulse and he has no desire to bond with anyone. After all, there's little point in befriending someone he would eventually eat or survive for more than a millennium. But when Jack is overtaken by his past, he will have to balance on the tightrope of frugality and try to eat as few people as possible.

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  • 8941 messages
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Rollins is well cast as Jack, a depressed, socially awkward in his fifties who spends his days drinking coffee, watching television and bingo for the elderly. Soon figures from his shadowy past appear and try to deal with him, but they don't fare too well. At the same time, daughter Andrea [Jordan Todosey] unexpectedly reappears in Jack's life and he must try to prevent her from becoming a pawn in the deadly game in which he is involved. Combination of horror, crime and comedy doesn't always work and the increasing gore distracts too much from what could have been an interesting crime drama. So unbalanced, but Krawzcyk earns bonus points for originality.

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What a terrible movie, how can they make it. Not exciting, scary, etc. Bad actors who don't give a damn.

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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A horror comedy that unravels itself step by step. Not that the story is so complicated, but the real facts do not surface from the first minute. Henry Rollins plays a solitary man who bites dry when he is harassed. I like the dry humor and it makes for fun scenes. Unsurprisingly, it gets a little less when the pointe becomes fully known, but luckily the focus is not too much on that. Actually it's a movie style The Equalizer, but indie and with a corner.

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