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Der Neue Heiße Sex-Report: Was Männer Nicht für Möglich Halten (1971)

Comedy | 89 minutes
1,57 7 votes

Genre: Comedy / Erotic

Duration: 89 minuten

Country: West Germany

Directed by: Walter Boos and Ernst Hofbauer

Stars: Astrid Frank, Eva Garden and Karin Götz

IMDb score: 4,1 (224)

Releasedate: 17 June 1971


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Der Neue Heiße Sex-Report: Was Männer Nicht für Möglich Halten plot

This film shows that German housewives can do more than just iron and vacuum, but are also adept at other things. The reporter in the film persuades all kinds of people to tell about their experiences.

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