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Bring It On: All or Nothing (2006)

Comedy | 99 minutes
2,93 486 votes

Genre: Comedy / Sport

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Steve Rash

Stars: Hayden Panettiere

IMDb score: 5,6 (22.544)

Releasedate: 8 August 2006

Bring It On: All or Nothing plot

Britney Allen (Hayden Panettiere) is the cheerleading squad leader at the highly regarded Pacific Vista High School. When she hears that there will be an audition to perform in a program by singer Rihanna, she registers her team. However, her father gets a new job and they move to Los Angeles where Britney is sent to the multi-ethnic Crenshaw High School. Here it is not so easy to pick up her cheerleading career again.

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  • 6310 messages
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Privileged blonde Queen Bee suddenly has to trade her preppy existence for… the hard life at a Dangerous Minds-esque school. There she will have to learn to gain the trust of the usual characters: the domineering girl who shields her incredible vulnerability under a facade of tough talk, the all-Brother Wayans slang-talking sassy black girl named Krinisha who single-handedly promotes African-American emancipation by at least 50 years back and the ghetto love interest with unclear ethnicity - we wouldn't want our All American Girl to be flirting with a real Hispanic or something. The movie revolves around some kind of dance contest organized by Rihanna and I was wondering all the time how they were going to trick Riri's presence—in fact, she actually got into it. Tip for an artistically responsible "tripe bill" together with Wild Child and Legally Blondes.

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Totally innocent snack. The film is clearly intended for the American (teenager) market, where cheerleading is a serious sport. Film has the great advantage that you don't have to keep your mind on it, because the story is nothing at all.

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Third part.

And actually exactly the level of Rash's other films. He seems to take over franchises more often, but an improvement of the franchise is a different story. Rash always seems to want to make his films as adolescent and exaggerated as possible, including this third part of Bring It On.

Panettiere is again a rather typical American appearance, fortunately performed with full dedication by Panettiere himself. A very predictable role, but still nicely acted. The rest of the cast is also very exaggerated and poorly written, but always acted with great enthusiasm.

The film as a whole feels less successful compared to the previous parts. Yet it is not much less in terms of level, because it is still quite nice to look away and this film also seems to go deeper into the difference of cultures in America, where the first part choked on. Too bad about the unbelievable approach to it.

The film may be a bit too long and the humor is a bit more adolescent compared to the previous parts. Still, Rash holds back, probably because of the genre. There are some funny, dry moments that catch on well, but the sex jokes are a bit less.

Compared to part 2 there is a little more development in the characters, but I don't notice any progress in team spirit. This makes the writing again a weak link in the story, something that more "simple" franchises need to work on. Fortunately, the enthusiastic and partly young cast knows how to make up for it.

Moreover, it remains nice and airy and it looks very nice. It's actually exactly the average level of the franchise. I don't expect the next installments to get any better or worse, but I'll be putting those on as entertainment soon as well. They're on Netflix anyway.

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