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A Hard Day's Night (1964)

Comedy | 87 minutes
3,18 374 votes

Genre: Comedy / Music

Duration: 87 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Richard Lester

Stars: John Lennon, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr

IMDb score: 7,5 (48.674)

Releasedate: 7 July 1964


A Hard Day's Night plot

"The Beatles, starring in their first full-length, hilarious, action-packed film!"

An exaggerated day in the life of The Beatles. John, Paul, George and Ringo, along with the rest of the crew, travel by train to their hotel to perform in a television studio later that day. Meanwhile, Paul's grandfather, who travels with the band, causes a lot of trouble.

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It's nice that The Beatles play the lead roles themselves, but you really don't get any bonus points for me. They can sing well, but she is clearly less capable of acting. I also seriously wonder if the band members had fun while filming, because I don't notice that.

As I mentioned before, the acting of the band members is not very good. Starr still has a bit of a sense of humor, but the rest I couldn't take as much. Lots of jokes and a lot of frills, but nothing really wants to work and that's a shame.

The comedy scenes follow each other in rapid succession. Every 5 minutes guarantees a minimum of 3 jokes. Too bad that every joke really feels scripted. Obviously nothing is improvised (at least it seems so), which isn't a bad thing, but if all the scripted material doesn't come across, you hope the more sincere humor will catch on.

Visually it is not that special. The sets are nicely decorated, but it is mainly watching 4 guys in black and white who work their way from one joke to the next. Despite the fact that the pace is good and the film is therefore quite enjoyable, it is just not very funny. Humor is familiar territory, then it might have been a bit more unique, but now you see it in every cartoon film.

I also don't really see a storyline, so it's really just a succession of jokes and pranks. So it does indeed feel like something to keep the fans happy for a while. A cash-in on the band members' success. Just a not very funny one. A smooth and entertaining one.

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Black Math

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Considering it's been twenty years since Harrison's death, it was fitting to watch this film today, although this schedule was rather coincidental. I had already decided to watch the movie when I found out it was his death anniversary. Ironically, several times in the film, a character intends to kill Lennon.

I am quite a big Beatles fan, but unfortunately this is not much. Of course it doesn't help that the period in which this film was made is not my favorite Beatles period, although the music is still much better than the average film. But it's not really film music and if I want to hear it, I can also put on the record.

As a film, this falls seriously short. It's supposed to be funny, but it doesn't seem so silly it is. The plot is almost empty, and the songs fill a large part of the time, with the lip syncing even being pretty bad. Finally, the images are also pretty worthless. Ugly black and white, nothing more than simple registration.

Unfortunately, there is little that can save the film. 0.5*.

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Roger Thornhill

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It will no doubt help that I like the early Beatles much more than the later ones (and that in that context I think A hard day's night is one of the highlights of their discography), because this film is a kind of visualization of the energy and joie de vivre that still radiate from this band. No youth sentiment, just music that is just as alive as when it was put on the record 58 years ago. Not all one-liners arrive, and those who don't like the "likeability" of the four Scousers don't have to start here, but as far as I'm concerned, the fun the four of them (and with "Paul's grandpa") radiate. straight through the screen at me.

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