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The Aviator (2004)

Biography | 170 minutes
3,29 2.600 votes

Genre: Biography / Drama

Duration: 170 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: Martin Scorsese

Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett and John C. Reilly

IMDb score: 7,5 (392.401)

Releasedate: 17 December 2004

The Aviator plot

"The way of the future"

The film tells the true story of director and aircraft manufacturer Howard Hughes. Out of a fascination for airplanes, Hughes has been continuously trying to push the boundaries in this field since the 1930s. Meanwhile, he has two love affairs with Hollywood legends Katharine Hepburn and Ava Gardner and is increasingly troubled by his fear of contamination. Shortly after the war, Hughes finds himself embroiled in a struggle for supremacy in transatlantic airspace.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Katharine Hepburn

Noah Dietrich

Senator Ralph Owen Brewster

Professor Fitz

Juan Trippe

Jean Harlow

Errol Flynn

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Fisico (moderator films)

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I have to admit that I needed a lot of perseverance to watch The Aviator (attentionally). 170 minutes is quite a long sit if not much is actually happening. You clearly didn't need the tension.

Fortunately, the other things were fine: The acting performances, for example. DiCaprio lets himself go completely again, this time as Howard Hughes, the eccentric aviator, director and aircraft manufacturer during the interwar period. Just like in The wolf of Wall Street, here's a character with various personality traits: playboy, intelligent, crazy and charming at the same time. Top performance by DiCaprio. It remains strange that he obtained his coveted statuette with The Revenant, but that aside.
The directing, led by Scorsese, was again in order down to the last detail, as you could already see with Goodfellas, Casino or Gangs of NY. When Scorsese sets his sights on something, you know on the one hand that it will be a long film, but even more that there is an eye for every detail and tries to approach perfection.

But Hughes's life, eccentric as he may be, didn't really appeal to me. His debauched lifestyle with movie stars like Hepburn and Gardner is a nice bonus, but not more than that (well played by Blanchett and Beckingsale). The last half hour, after its big crash, I found the film a lot more interesting. His secluded life, fear of contamination and strange habits were particularly evident. The trial in which he gave the senator a close call was also amusing. Too bad the movie ended quite abruptly. All things considered, a big 3.0* (although 3.5* could also be perfect, doesn't really matter that much).

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Scorcese is hit or miss for me… or a bit meh. Like this movie. Fine acting, entertaining - but I missed a point. Why should we follow Hughes's life, other than that it's a special one? Don't get me wrong, I'm averse to ostentatious moralism. But this film leads nowhere in my view. Highs, lows, relationships, a childhood trauma, but I didn't detect a deeper layer. Will lie on me.

The entertaining part remains. Therefore a tight enough.

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