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Loving Vincent (2017)

Animation | 94 minutes
3,47 304 votes

Genre: Animation / Biography

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States / Poland

Directed by: DK Welchman and Hugh Welchman

Stars: Douglas Booth, Jerome Flynn and Helen McCrory

IMDb score: 7,8 (64.532)

Releasedate: 22 June 2017

Loving Vincent plot

"The truth is, we cannot speak other than by our paintings."

Loving Vincent delves into the life and controversial death of Van Gogh. The film consists of Van Gogh's paintings or effigies in the style of his work. With twelve hand-painted oil paintings per second, the story is told.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Armand Roulin

Adeline Ravoux

Vincent van Gogh

Louise Chevalier

Marguerite Gachet

Postman Joseph Roulin

Pere Tanguy

Paul Gachet

La Mousmé

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avatar van Ebenezer Scrooge

Ebenezer Scrooge

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Oh, this is disappointing! Except for a few rare moments, I didn't think it looked that nice at all, ugly even. Also, I always felt like I was watching a Heidi cartoon from the 1970s. The faces especially. Postman Roulin (very nice painting by the way) who suddenly starts talking and even turns out to have teeth. Teeth! Van Gogh painted several portraits of Roulin, but I still miss the graceful curls in his beard and the beautiful flowers in the background. I have absolutely nothing against moving paintings, the portraits that come to life in 'Frida', I thought they were very beautiful, but this is really too much of a good thing.

Van Gogh was a lonely man. I don't see that anywhere in this movie. Taking the painting 'The Bedroom' from 1888 as an example: there is an enormous loneliness. Incidentally, in almost all his paintings. That's what he tried to express: sadness and extreme loneliness. But in the film, Van Gogh lies in his wooden bed, someone even walks in and everything seems to be swarming together like a pile of maggots. Incidentally, when you look at the proportions, the real painting 'The Bedroom' is completely wrong. But it is typical Van Gogh and also has something sweet. In his letters, Van Gogh complained that no one at school had ever explained to him what perspective was.

The question 'was it suicide or murder?' I also find it so irrelevant, more something for a cheap tabloid. The work that Van Gogh made in the Netherlands is once again underexposed, no attention is paid to his eventful life, no interesting vision of his art. And then that lousy cover of 'Starry, Starry Night' at the end. Why not just the original, I wonder?

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avatar van Fisico

Fisico (moderator films)

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Loving Vincent had been on my list for a while. To be honest, I was a little disappointed. The film's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. Graphically a very unique and distinct animation style in which about 125 painters have created 65,000 frames that were then put together. Nice to see the style of Van Gogh himself throughout the film. Only eventually I became maddened by all those moving stripes and spheres. Very tiring to watch. Also a plus for flashbacks that were shown in a different style, beautifully in black and white.

The story itself was mediocre. An original starting point for starting the film after the death of Van Gogh himself, with the focus on Armand Roulin whose story was told. The "whodunit" story is not very exciting.

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avatar van Film Pegasus

Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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What a wonderful movie! At the end of 2020 I had been to a Van Gogh exhibition (for the little we could do). Not an ordinary collection, but a grand experience with projection, his paintings in a 3D setting and even virtual reality. You were taken through the paintings of Van Gogh on the basis of image and sound. Loving Vincent tries the same. It is no ordinary biopic, but goes to the end of his life to see what kind of person Van Gogh was. Without going too realistic and focusing on his artworks. Most of the sculptures are painted and especially if you are familiar with his work, you will see one work after another. There is quite a bit of choice from the 800 paintings he made in 8 years.

Perhaps it is a bit of a shame that the film is in English, although that is less disturbing here because it is his work that plays the leading role. Moreover, the animated figures have not only stepped out of the paintings, but also versions of the actors who voice them. The accompanying voice work is therefore very close to the animation.

Moreover, the makers very wisely choose to have everything revolve around Van Gogh, but not to make him the main character of the film himself. We are witness to his life and work. With different testimonials, because we will not know 100% what the painter was thinking.

I quite enjoyed the film, I do like Van Gogh's work. A film made with love and the soul of Van Gogh clearly floats between the images.

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