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Maharal - Tajemstvi Talismanu (2007)

Adventure | 100 minutes
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Genre: Adventure

Duration: 100 minuten

Alternative title: Maharal - Secret of the Talisman

Country: Czech Republic

Directed by: Pavel Jandourek

Stars: Adriana Neubauerová, Tomáš Materna and Matyáš Valenta

IMDb score: 5,5 (128)

Releasedate: 15 February 2007


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Maharal - Tajemstvi Talismanu plot

Three children – Alena, David and Ondra – track down a treasure hunter in the old quarter of Prague who is involved in a mysterious murder. The three decide to help in the search for the perpetrator and get involved in an exciting adventure.

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