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The full cast of Entscheidung in den Wolken

Here you will find an overview of the cast of the movie Entscheidung in den Wolken from the year 2009, including all the actors, actresses and the director. When you click on the name of an actor, actress or director from the movie Entscheidung in den Wolken-cast you can watch more movies and/or series by him or her. Click here for more infomation about the movie.

We have made an overview that includes: actors, directors, the production team, the camera team, writers and other crew members.


Edzard Onneken

Edzard Onneken


Actors & actresses

Valerie Niehaus

Valerie Niehaus

Andrea Schubert
Jan Sosniok

Jan Sosniok

Max Tidof

Max Tidof

Prof. Guttmann
Xaver Hutter

Xaver Hutter

Thomas 'Tom' Stocker
Manuel Witting

Manuel Witting

Bernhard 'Bernie' Stocker
Alexander Duda

Alexander Duda

Dr. Leopold
Götz Burger

Götz Burger

Friedrich Schubert
Erwin Steinhauer

Erwin Steinhauer

Karl Sobotzik
Philipp Moog

Philipp Moog

Elke Zeh

Elke Zeh

junge Mutter


Peter Engelmann

Peter Engelmann
