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V.I. Warshawski (1991)

Action | 89 minutes
1,95 124 votes

Genre: Action / Comedy

Duration: 89 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jeff Kanew

Stars: Kathleen Turner, Jay O. Sanders and Charles Durning

IMDb score: 5,0 (5.615)

Releasedate: 26 July 1991

V.I. Warshawski plot

"Killer eyes. Killer legs. Killer instincts."

VI Warschawski is a freelance private investigator based in Chicago. After a night of heavy drinking, she meets ex-ice hockey player Boom Boom Grafalk and a romance is imminent. Then Boom Boom suddenly stands at the door with his 13-year-old daughter and asks Warsaw if she can babysit her for a while. She agrees, but Boom Boom is killed the same night.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Victoria 'V.I.' Warshawski

Murray Ryerson

Det. Lt. Bobby Mallory

Kat Grafalk, Bernard's Daughter

Paige Wilson Grafalk

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And another name that has stuck through a film program, at the time the speedboat scene was broadcast which was quite fun for the time. And as with so many of those titles, there is still the interest to watch the film.

And well ... VI starts quite nicely with the spicy Turner in a slightly more feminist character / role than in, for example, the character just-Joan in the two films with Michael Douglas. In addition, the whole thing has a certain fluidity, but that has already said a lot. Because it doesn't really work between the cheeky kid and the witty Warshawski, I have to say that the chemistry does get a little better towards the end, but most of the jokes just don't work. In terms of action and tension, the whole does not exactly get off the ground.

Nice is how the pair Vicky and Kat show a little more chemistry, and especially the way Stacey is chased away has the necessary humor, then there is of course Turner in a good time ... but otherwise ... the music is often not to listen to, the plot with motive could not be more transparent, the acting is not great and above all it all feels very good. The conclusion can therefore only be that I finally saw VI Warshawski, but could just as well have left it alone.

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