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The Sea Wolf (1993)

Action | 90 minutes
2,50 22 votes

Genre: Action

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Michael Anderson

Stars: Charles Bronson, Catherine Mary Stewart and Christopher Reeve

IMDb score: 6,0 (1.031)

Releasedate: 18 April 1993


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Sea Wolf plot

San Francisco at the turn of the twentieth century. The writer, critic and full-time aristocrat Humphrey Van Weyden leaves his luxurious surroundings for a short ferry trip across the misty bay. On board, he meets the beautiful Flaxen Brewster, a con artist. Due to poor visibility, however, the ferry collides with another ship and is torn in two. Humphrey and Flaxen are hurled into the sea and picked up by the crew of the Ghost, Wolf Larsen's schooner. Larsen is a psychotic man who rules his crew through fear and intimidation. After endless days of despair and humiliation, Humphrey and Flaxen decide to flee the ship.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Capt. Wolf Larsen

Dr. Picard

Thomas C. 'Cookie' Mugridge

Humphrey Van Weyden

2nd Police Officer on Ferry Martinez

Chandler / First Mate

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