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The Perfect Storm (2000)

Action | 130 minutes
3,00 2.031 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 130 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: Wolfgang Petersen

Stars: George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg and John C. Reilly

IMDb score: 6,5 (182.162)

Releasedate: 29 June 2000

The Perfect Storm plot

"The storm is coming."

Due to a disappointing catch, a group of fishermen decide to set sail one more time, late in the season. They catch a lot, but on the way back they find themselves in a violent storm. Based on a true story.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Capt. Billy Tyne

Bobby Shatford

Christina "Chris" Cotter

Dale "Murp" Murphy

David "Sully" Sullivan

Mike "Bugsy" Moran

Alfred Pierre

Sgt. Jeremy Mitchell

Capt. Darryl Ennis

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At first glance, The Perfect Storm looks like a cheap Deep Impact copy. A ship crew gets into a big storm, we've heard that before. However, where TPS differs from other disaster movies is the fact that it is based on a true story. The structure of the film is standard, as in any film in this genre, but the fun part of the film comes in the second part. The special effects are very nice, the actors good, and the story different from what you might expect. These points ensure that I find this film slightly better than average. The Perfect Storm gets three stars from me.

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“What in Jupiter's Balls?”

Nice movie. The playing time is problematic and the build-up to the big storm takes a long time, but fortunately The Perfect Storm has enough strong points. The special effects look good and the chemistry between the men on the boat is strong. Clooney, Wahlberg, Reilly, Fichtner and Hawkes, the interplay between these actors saves the film. The role of Mastrantonio could have been a bit bigger. The ending is sentimental, but the great storm is impressively portrayed and the fate of the men is impressive.

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Good movie, nice atmosphere, good actors and beautiful music. Special effects are still impressive 20 years later. Lovely to watch again.

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