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T.N.T. (1997)

Action | 90 minutes
1,70 33 votes

Genre: Action

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Robert Radler

Stars: Olivier Gruner, Eric Roberts and Randy Travis

IMDb score: 3,7 (825)

Releasedate: 9 January 1998


T.N.T. plot

The US government has formed a mysterious top-secret team of ultra-trained agents. On dangerous missions beyond the country's borders, the men of Victor Russo, aka "Yankee" (Eric Roberts), are called upon. Nate Spears (Oliver Gruner) is one of the team members ready for the first mission in Mozambique. The mission runs smoothly. Spears even receives a hefty reward for freeing an accidentally discovered hostage. The second mission, taking out a drug lord in Mexico, also works out perfectly. When Spears discovers that Yankee is playing a dubious role, he withdraws from the team. But Yankee won't tolerate desertion and gives chase. Then Nate Spears has to face his former colleagues alone. And he knows that they do not shun any means to their end...

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