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Lords of Dogtown (2005)

Action | 107 minutes
3,36 324 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 107 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: Catherine Hardwicke

Stars: Emile Hirsch, John Robinson and Heath Ledger

IMDb score: 7,1 (58.760)

Releasedate: 3 June 2005

Lords of Dogtown plot

"They came from nothing to change everything."

This film is a fictionalized ride with a group of brilliant young skateboarders who grew up on the streets of Dogtown in Venice, California. The 'Z-Boys', as they are known, perfect their technique in the empty swimming pools of unsuspecting residents, in order to become pioneers of a new sport.

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Leland Palmer

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Very cool video this. It's not much of a deal, but it's entertaining. The atmosphere in the film is one of its strongest points. The 70s look always works for me and with names like Emile Hirsch and Heath Legder it only gets better. These two do it best, especially the funny weirdo Ledger plays: Oh, nice socks, man. Nice socks. Nice socks.

The action scenes, especially on the skateboards, are very well done. I'm not into skating myself, I don't think I've ever been on such a thing, but it was very nice to watch. The music is fine in itself, but a lot more could have been done here. For example, I heard The Sweet, Cream, Deep Purple, Jimi Hendrix and Black Sabbath. Very nice everyone, but I would like to hear some Beach Boys when I see surfing guys Although that was just something for this time, but okay.

It's a shame that the story, especially towards the end, flies very quickly from one thing to another without us being presented with how certain things have come about. For example, Ledger suddenly works in the store he used to own? Hirsch suddenly bald? That thing with that eye patch and the brain tumor. It's all going a bit too fast really. But, overall an excellent film. I had a lot of fun, so well enough.

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Quite an entertaining film about the rise of skateboarding. A bunch of surfers and an ambitious shop owner discover skateboarding as an alternative and make it cool. But of course it won't be long before the commercial vultures arrive, and it becomes a circus ruled by sponsors. Especially great as a well filmed, strongly acted and realistic portrait of the emerging scene, and a kind of coming-of-age film about guys who grow up with too much attention and sometimes serious personal problems. As a story it doesn't really matter much and it doesn't last very much, and with half an hour less I would have believed it too - certainly the second half seems never-ending. Nevertheless, overall a good time.

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Started off well in 2003 but apparently went downhill two years later, although most viewers would disagree. Before she went bigger with more money, it had to look more raw, with which Lords of Dogtown continued the stylization of Thirteen.

The problem with that, however, is that the film had a much more stable and stronger foundation in content, while this is only about skating and friendships that are lost because of it. It hardly weighs up against each other and therefore they must be different films. Yet this film feels very raw and serious, while the story doesn't demand that at all. It sometimes creates a somewhat confusing impression, because the more humorous scenes often come across as extremely dramatic scenes and vice versa.

Ledger's acting is good but he hardly plays a really dominant role. There are some teenagers who are allowed to take the central position, but that is difficult if you can only act moderately. The story itself isn't much more interesting, by the way, and Hardwicke doesn't exactly succeed in portraying the skating competitions in a decent way.

It makes for a somewhat poor film with a number of decent identifiers and outliers, but otherwise it is a film whose status I doubt a bit. It is not very special and it mainly follows the path that many other films have already followed. As far as I'm concerned, Lords of Dogtown does not position itself above average, but even below. I think I'll be completely lost to the movie soon.

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