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Kickboxer 2: The Road Back (1991)

Action | 89 minutes
2,00 248 votes

Genre: Action

Duration: 89 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Albert Pyun

Stars: Sasha Mitchell, Peter Boyle and Dennis Chan

IMDb score: 4,6 (6.475)

Releasedate: 30 January 1991

Kickboxer 2: The Road Back plot

"When the enemy is angry, confuse him. When he is unaware, surprise him, and if he refuses to submit, ...destroy him."

Kurt Sloan's brother, David Sloan, is the new owner of the karate school and is soon harassed by Tong Po, a frustrated karateka who was once defeated by David's brother. David decides to defend his brother's honor and accepts an offer to fight a duel with Tong Po.

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avatar van sinterklaas


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Better than Kickboxer. It's not true. Why? Kickboxer was much more atmospheric and Van Damme did well. Kickboxer 2 is just an exhausted fucking movie and that Sasha Mitchell can go back to his high school. That Sasha Mitchel just had to be shot dead in this movie instead of Van Damme What a stupid fake actor. He's still fucking school age. Too bad Dennis Chan gets another part in this mess.

Vote lowered to a 1*

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After the huge success of part one, there had to be a second part. Albert Pyun was recruited as a director, who already made a film with Van Damme (Cyborg), and a whole tin of well-known b-actors. But besides Tong Po and Xian Wong, no characters from the first part returned. The character played by Van Damme in part one (Kurt Sloan) is shot dead off-screen... very easy not to have to use an actor who was aiming for a bigger career. But who do you ask to play the lead role in a sequel?

Sascha Mitchell, of course!

Well, of course? Sascha Mitchell is a very bad actor who plays his part as if he is auditioning for the teletubbies.

The reason that I still give this a (small) sufficient has to do with the return of Tong Po and the nice supporting roles in this film.

Not too special.


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  • 31 messages
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A really bad movie!

Especially the part:
in which Brian fights Tong Po. He gets knees and elbows and the match is not stopped. Finally, the referee is also thrown out of the ring. LAUGHING!

I really can't give this any higher than a 1.0

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