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He Qi Dao (1972)

Action | 97 minutes
3,55 22 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 97 minuten

Alternative titles: Lady Kung Fu / Hapkido / Hap Kei Do / 合氣道

Country: Hong-Kong / South Korea

Directed by: Feng Huang

Stars: Angela Mao, Carter Wong and Sammo Kam-Bo Hung

IMDb score: 6,8 (1.099)

Releasedate: 1 October 1972


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


He Qi Dao plot

"Here comes the unbreakable China doll who gives you the licking of your life!"

Three Hapkido students returned to China just after their training in Korea to start their own school. They soon run into problems with a local Japanese karate school. After initially having kept the peace, it eventually resulted in a fierce scuffle between the two schools.

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Hapkido Master

Hapkido Head Student

Toyoda (Black Bear Boss)

Black Bear Student

Hapkido Student

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