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Hardwired (2009)

Action | 94 minutes
2,56 146 votes

Genre: Action / Scifi

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: United States / Canada

Directed by: Ernie Barbarash

Stars: Val Kilmer, Cuba Gooding Jr. and Rachel Luttrell

IMDb score: 4,7 (4.532)

Releasedate: 3 November 2009

Hardwired plot

"They stole his past, now he's taking back his future."

After a tragic accident, Luke Gibson not only loses his pregnant wife; He has also lost all of his memory. However, Hope Industries, an innovative mental health center, installs an implant in Luke's head that keeps him alive. However, the implant is not without consequences when it turns out that Hope Industries has sinister plans with the new technology.

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