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First Blood (1982)

Action | 93 minutes
3,57 2.915 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 93 minuten

Alternative title: Rambo: First Blood

Country: United States / Canada

Directed by: Ted Kotcheff

Stars: Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna and Brian Dennehy

IMDb score: 7,7 (286.324)

Releasedate: 22 October 1982

First Blood plot

"This time he's fighting for his life."

Former commando and war veteran John Rambo goes to a small town to visit an old friend of his. He comes into confrontation with the sheriff of the town, and is arrested by him for no reason. At the police station, John gets traumatic flashbacks from the Vietnam War; he goes crazy and escapes, before starting a war of 200 men against the living killing machine.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

State Police Capt. Dave Kern

Col. Samuel Trautman

Hope Sheriff Will Teasle

Deputy Ward

Deputy Sgt. Arthur Galt

Deputy Balford

Orval the Dog Man

Deputy Lester

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Great start to a wonderful series of action films

Especially the setting steals the show, the atmospheric North American forests ensure that.

This in combination with a strong story and tight hard action make for one hell of an action movie

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The Rambo series is of course iconic these days, but I had never seen a movie of it. That way I had a kind of stereotypical image of the series (lots of brutal/clumsy action, little depth); an image that, to my surprise, does not materialize at all in this first film 'First Blood'. And it should be clear that that was a nice surprise. First Blood is quite subdued and small-scale, and that works in the film's favor. Rambo is not an invincible machine here; he is a flesh and blood human being who gets hurt, treated unfairly and in the end even collapses emotionally. The first half of the film is especially good; the long chase in the woods, Rambo on the cliff, the traps set by Rambo where the agents are taken out one by one, that was a wonderful mix of action and adventure. The location of the woods works great, and looks very atmospheric. This high level is not completely maintained, and the final showdown is perhaps a bit anti-climactic, but there is a very high tempo until the last minute, and that just makes this first Rambo a very entertaining sit.

Sylvester Stallone is also in good shape as Rambo anyway. He is not the most gifted actor in the world (which is unfortunately clearly visible in the last scene), but as an action hero he convinces like no other and can count himself among the select group of best action icons ever. For most of the film he has to say little but mainly act physically, and in that way he carries the film with ease. In any case, I thought First Blood was a remarkably pleasant surprise. Thick 4*.

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First of all there is the spectacular, action-packed and adventurous chase part, the innocent man being chased like a criminal, which deserves full attention, is exciting and captivating.
But there is especially in the end and this is surely the essence of the film : the broken man, saddled with the terrible memories of the horror of the Vietnam War and who here, on the home front, experiences neither acceptance nor appreciation
More substantive than what will follow in Rambo films and Stallone makes an impression here too. Brian Dennehy also puts down a good interpretation.

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