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Deep Impact (1998)

Action | 120 minutes
2,85 1.749 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 120 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Mimi Leder

Stars: Téa Leoni, Elijah Wood and Robert Duvall

IMDb score: 6,3 (195.713)

Releasedate: 8 May 1998

Deep Impact plot

"Oceans Rise. Cities Fall. Hope survives."

14-year-old Leo Beiderman accidentally discovers a new comet. The ambitious journalist Jenny Lerner gets wind of it and sees the scoop as a handy career move, because, as the first black president Tom Beck announced: humanity has only a few months to go. As an emergency solution, a gigantic underground shelter is being built where one million chosen ones can survive the years of winter that the comet impact will cause. For plan B, astronaut Spurgeon Tanner is pulled out of retirement...

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Capt. Spurgeon 'Fish' Tanner

Jenny Lerner

Leo Biederman

President Tom Beck

Sarah Hotchner

Alan Rittenhouse

Gus Partenza

Beth Stanley

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  • 12476 messages
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Nice film in which humanity puts everything in its place when a great comet approaches Earth. A reasonable disaster film with a cast of quite a few well-known names. Relatively little action, but that doesn't make the film any less entertaining. Sentiment is not avoided. The film also looks very good with some spectacular images during the finale.

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We had watched the movie at group 8 camp and had never seen it before and could predict the movie and many people fell asleep but good drama and everything

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What a disaster, and I'm definitely talking about the film. Lots of soap-like storylines in a disaster film that excels at stupidity. To start with a colorless Tea Leoni and the whole tearful thing about her father and his new wife. I couldn't care less! The teenage couple Elijah Wood and Leelee Sobieski is cute to watch, but doesn't help much.

And then all the folly around that comet that I could fill a whole page with. Such a thing is said to travel at 40 km per second, but it seems no problem at all to land there after a short space trip (although the comet is still a month away from Earth at that time) and orbit around a bit. walking to drop nuclear bombs. Apparently the return trip takes a little longer, but the space team manages to detonate the great comet just before arriving on Earth! So they overtook the object again. strong! Filmkriebel says : the makers of this nonsense probably got a blow on their head.

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