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Cell (2016)

Action | 98 minutes
2,33 300 votes

Genre: Action / Scifi

Duration: 98 minuten

Alternative title: Stephen King's Cell

Country: United States

Directed by: Tod Williams

Stars: John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson and Isabelle Fuhrman

IMDb score: 4,4 (31.490)

Releasedate: 6 July 2016

Cell plot

"When everyone is connected no one is safe."

A strong signal is broadcast worldwide over mobile networks. This causes the brains of mobile phone users to be directly and dangerously reprogrammed. Clay Riddell travels north through New England in hopes of finding his wife and son. He is applauded by a group of survivors and together they try to fend off the bloodthirsty 'phoners'.

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avatar van Q Jones

Q Jones

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Still a pretty good picture, though I thought it was myself.

I wasn't expecting much from the movie but I have to say I really enjoyed it. You can see that there was no super high budget, but that is not really annoying anywhere. The actors do a great job, it's a shame we don't see Cusack in the cinema anymore because he really is a gifted actor. The apocalyptic atmosphere, the actors doing what they have to do, and the ambiguous ending. I thought it was a great movie. Which never bored me for a moment and always kept me fascinated.

Shame about the low average it's worth more

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avatar van james_cameron


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Stephen King's mediocre book of the same name results in a mediocre film. John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson are okay in the lead roles, but the events are unimpressive and the apocalyptic atmosphere is not menacing enough. Some effort is made to distinguish this from the average zombie movie, but the visual approach simply falls short and the plot is too thin to keep you interested. A creepy scene here and there, but in the end we can say again: the book was better.

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avatar van Peter Pan

Peter Pan

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A zombie/apocalypse movie with good protagonists and by Steven King..!
For the lover of this genre, this should be fine, but unfortunately...

As good and exciting as a Steven King film can be, a first disadvantage of his films is that there is ultimately no "how and why" in the story, which can lead to great frustration.

A second is that it is a film adaptation of a book, so there is often far too little time to tell a story (in the case of Steven King).
This was very much present in this film.

The story itself was pretty good, but the events were so fast that it really didn't help the tension. The characters didn't even have time to be shocked, emotionally broken, or come up with a plan.
As a viewer you really have the idea that you have missed something, because a next scene was already underway, while you were not even ready for the "why" of the previous scene.

The ending actually came so spontaneously, so that afterwards you had apparently already said goodbye to the character of Samuel L Jackson.

The plot was quite nice.
How I understood it: were you when you came into contact with the sound frequency, for the outside world as we have seen, but in your thought or dream you live on, very unfortunate that here in the course of the film no small clues were given.

If a little more time was put into the movie (at least an hour), or if it was made into a miniseries, it could have been a really good one....

Now a very small 5

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