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Vin Diesel explains why it was vital The Rock returned to the Fast and Furious franchise
Photo: © ANP

Vin Diesel explains why it was vital The Rock returned to the Fast and Furious franchise

Vin Diesel explains why it was vital The Rock returned to the Fast and Furious franchise
Photo: © ANP

Vin Diesel has explained why it was important for Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson to return to the Fast and Furious franchise.

After a scene-stealing showing in Fast Five, The Rock quickly became a major player in the action series. A very public disagreement with franchise star Diesel led to him announcing he would not appear in another Fast movie again.

But, his character Luke Hobbs showed up in the post-credits scene of Fast X after being targeted by new villain, Dante Reyes.

The next Fast movie will apparently be the last in the series, and so Diesel has explained that Hobbs needed to return in order for every storyline to be concluded.

READ MORE: John Cena regrets his real-life feud with Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson


"It was no easy task, because so much has been created in this universe," Diesel said of his co-star's return in a featurette for Fast X.

"To tie up all these storylines, this character needed to come back into the mythology."

It appears, then, that Diesel and Johnson have kissed and made up.

The Rock will now feature in a new Fast movie which takes place before the events of Fast X, which will act as a bridge towards Fast 11.

The Rock returns to Fast and Furious

Aiming to avoid spoilers, The Rock waiting a while before confirming his return for Fast 11.

"So I am 100 percent confirming to you guys around the world that yes, it is true. Hobbs is back. Hobbs is back in the 'Fast and Furious' franchise," he wrote on Twitter.

"Despite having our differences, me and Vin, we've been like brothers for years. And despite having our differences ... when you lead with the idea of ... number one, resolve. But also, you just think about the future and you think about plans that are much bigger than ourselves. Those plans are the bigger build-outs.

"Those plans are the North Star. As I always like to say, the North Star is always my guiding light in whatever endeavour or opportunity that I'm in, that I'm passionate about. I always keep a North star in my clarity and in my focus.

"In this case, the North Star is the franchise that we love. The North Star are characters that we love. And the North Star are fans that we love. So, when you add all of that up, it's really not a hard decision to make."

Johnson appeared alongside Jason Statham in Fast and Furious spin-off, Hobbs and Shaw.

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