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Will there be another season of Hannibal?
Photo: © ANP

Will there be another season of Hannibal?

Will there be another season of Hannibal?
Photo: © ANP

Hannibal actor Hugh Dancy has cast doubt on any potential future seasons of the show due to the money it would take to get it going again.

Dancy played FBI agent Will Graham in Hannibal, while the title character was played by Mads Mikkelsen. The show ran for three seasons and was critically acclaimed, with praise reserved for its acting, storyline and especially its visuals.

However, it was unceremoniously cancelled by NBC in November of 2015. Creator Bryan Fuller attempted to revive the show via an agreement with Amazon Prime or Netflix, but nothing materalised from those talks.

Fuller, Mikkelsen and Dancy are constantly asked about the potential for a fourth series. Dancy is apparently keen on a return, but says it would take a "sizeable cheque" to get the gang back together.

“e keep saying, when we get asked, 'Oh, we’d love to do it,' which is true. Maybe it’ll take one of us to say, 'I will absolutely never do a fourth season of Hannibal,' but that would be a lie," he told Collider.

“I’m not exactly surprised because essentially, first and foremost, somebody has to write a fairly sizable check. I’m not talking about me being paid.

"I’m talking about the cost of making a season of television. For a while, it seemed like the streamers were gonna be everybody’s savior, in that respect, but now there’s been a cutoff there. There are shows that are watched by millions of people that don’t make it past a second season. So, I have no idea what that calculation is."

Will there be a Hannibal season four?

Showrunner Fuller and Mikkelsen have made several comments regarding a show revival, with the latter even suggesting that Fuller has been busy securing the rights to The Silence of the Lambs, part of the Hannibal Lecter series.

"I think there's always new hope," the actor told Bloody Disgusting.

"I haven't heard anything specific. I know Bryan is still working on some ideas where we can find a new home for this. I also have a strong feeling that everybody who was involved in it would gladly pick up the glove again if that happens. I know that was working to get the rights to Silence of the Lambs so he could get in there and use some of those characters for his own universe.

"I have a hunch that might be where we're going."

Back in 2016, Fuller said:

"The cast is game, I'm game, it's just a matter of finding the right time where everybody's schedules sync up, but I would love to continue to tell the story with Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen. They're such fantastic collaborators, and one of the most satisfying actor-showrunner relationships I've ever had in this industry. So I would love to continue this story."

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