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Chris Hemsworth: I was bored of Thor before Ragnarok
Photo: © ANP

Chris Hemsworth: I was bored of Thor before Ragnarok

Chris Hemsworth: I was bored of Thor before Ragnarok
Photo: © ANP

Chris Hemsworth has revealed that he found himself becoming bored of playing Thor before the reinvention of the character in Thor: Ragnarok.

In the first two Thor movies, Thor and Thor: The Dark World, there was a focus on the Shakespearian element of the story, while the tone was slightly more serious.

The second movie received mixed reviews from critics.

In Thor: Ragnarok, director Taika Waititi injected some chaos and fun into proceedings, while still keeping an element of dread for the characters.

It proved to be a massive hit, and both Hemsworth and Waititi returned for Thor: Love and Thunder.

It seems Hemsworth credits the director for reinvigorating his desire to play the character.

"I wasn't stoked with what I'd done in Thor 2," the Australian told Vanity Fair.

"You know, I was a little disappointed in what I'd done. I didn't think I grew the character in any way and I didn't think I showed the audience something unexpected and different. When Ragnarok came along, out of my own frustration on what I'd done — and this isn't on any other director, this is my own performance — I really wanted to break the mould, and I said this to Taika.

"I think the conversation we had was, 'I'm really bored of Thor,' and 'I'm really bored of Thor too!' Then we decided not to be bored and anytime that feeling came into play we'd go into a different direction.

"We just dismantled the character. We wanted him to be more unpredictable. We wanted him to be at a different set of circumstances than he was before and then have the humor come through. I had a great relationship with Taika and we had a great sense of banter and I thought we should cram that into this space."

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