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2024's biggest movies - Everything you need to know about MaXXXine including FIRST trailer
Photo: © ANP

2024's biggest movies - Everything you need to know about MaXXXine including FIRST trailer

2024's biggest movies - Everything you need to know about MaXXXine including FIRST trailer
Photo: © ANP

The impact of the 2023 actor and writer strikes in Hollywood is still being felt in 2024 as many big productions face significant delays.

However, there are still some major, highly-anticipated movies that will be released this year, including MaXXXine.

The film will conclude Ti West's 'X' trilogy that includes X and Pearl so far, with Mia Goth starring.

What is the plot of MaXXXine?

The official synopsis reads:

'After surviving a massacre, Maxine moves to Los Angeles in the early 1980s to pursue her dreams of becoming a famous actress.'

It is a direct sequel to X and set years after the events of Pearl, which was a prequel to the first movie.

“It’s my favourite script of the three,” Goth previously told Empire.

“Everything’s bigger. The world is bigger, the stakes are bigger. It’s going to provide the greatest cinematic experience of the three of them.”

West explained what we can expect in the same interview:

“I wrote this one individually. If X is a movie where they’re trying to make independent porn, and if Pearl is about her wanting to be part of ‘the movie business’, as difficult as that may be, then MaXXXine is certainly a different perspective on it. The world of straight-to-video plays a role."

MaXXXine cast

MaXXXine stars Mia Goth, Elizabeth Debicki, Moses Sumney, Michelle Monaghan, Bobby Cannavale, Lily Collins, Halsey, Giancarlo Esposito, and Kevin Bacon.

MaXXXine trailer

Just a short teaser has been released so far.

What is MaXXXine's running time?

MaXXXine's running time hasn't been confirmed yet.

What is MaXXXine's budget?

The budget hasn't been reported yet.

When will MaXXXine be released?

MaXXXine will be released on 5 July 2024.

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