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The Hangover Part III (2013)

Comedy | 100 minutes
2,66 1.756 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Todd Phillips

Stars: Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis

IMDb score: 5,8 (339.841)

Releasedate: 23 May 2013

The Hangover Part III plot

"It all ends."

This time there is no marriage. So no bachelor party. Nothing can go wrong, right? When Alan (Zach Galifianakis) goes through a rough patch after his father's death, the 'Wolfpack' is all he has left. The party reunites when they are haunted by a case from the past. But Las Vegas is just one of their stopping points...

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By far the best of the three.

If only because of the great opening. Nice and cheerful, cheap giraffe Photoshopped in it and with a wonderfully chaotic ending. The subsequent funeral is also nice. Galifianakis is also actually the only comedian of the hope and it certainly pays off in the beginning.

Ironically, this movie works least when the threesome are together. There is some lame crime plot involved (Goodman in a nice role by the way), but it crowds out the humor. Or maybe it's just that Cooper and Helms screw up. Jeong is funny at times, but also often misses the ball. Yet in the end, it is the moments between him and Galifianakis that make the film bearable.

It's actually a shame that this has become a real Hangover movie, Phillips would have done better to make a spin-off with Galifianakis and Jeong. The ending refers most strongly to the two earlier parts, but I'm very glad they got rid of that.

Let the series be done. Each subsequent part is a bit better, but I have the impression that Phillips needs at least three more parts to come to a really successful comedy. He may already start with stopping genre blends, but that doesn't go well for him.

2.5*, a big point of that thanks to the first 15 minutes.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Mediocre. There is a single successful joke in it, but at 100 minutes that is a bit little. The film is not really fun anywhere and some characters are quickly in my irritation zone. In any case, the film failed to captivate me. Visually fine and good locations with atmosphere, but that is the only real positive. 1.5*.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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The sequel seems too much to me. Can hardly match the first two films of The Hangover. Alan is even more annoying than usual although I didn't think the opener with the giraffe was bad per se, but it just got more silly instead of funnier. A little better here and there, but not enough to speak of a successful sequel.

That abduction literally fell out of the sky and that actually didn't bode well because the creativity and the new is completely gone. What follows is more of a run-down franchise than a fresh sequel.

The worst part of all this is that the core of the film is simply gone. This had little to do with the concept of The hangover. You can't always get married of course, but you could be more creative than this. Unfortunately.

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