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Timecop (1994)

Action | 99 minutes
2,71 928 votes

Genre: Action / Scifi

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: Canada / United States / Japan

Directed by: Peter Hyams

Stars: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Mia Sara and Ron Silver

IMDb score: 5,9 (65.909)

Releasedate: 15 September 1994

Timecop plot

"Turn back the clock and you're history."

In the near future it will be possible to travel through time, opening up new possibilities for criminals. The government is setting up a special police unit to ensure that the new technology is not misused. Max Walker, one of these time cops, discovers that a corrupt politician is using time travel to increase his chances for the presidency.

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avatar van sinterklaas


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He was decent with a good depth.


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avatar van Brabants


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Timecop is for me a JcvD film that fits in the list of unsuccessful projects. Perhaps because every film where he can't put his fighting skills first, it all gets a bit more mediocre anyway, but also because this is a mostly messy and somewhat boring film of its own.

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Yes and is there also a Van Damme film that I have seen more than 25 times yes, so this one. I think I've seen TimeCop, my favorite movie of his 40x really you'll think why. Well the action, the story, the setting and Van Damme at his best (in my opinion). I was 16 when I saw it in the cinema and now as 40+ I still see it once or even twice a year

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