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Rushmore (1998)

Comedy | 93 minutes
3,46 812 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Wes Anderson

Stars: Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray and Olivia Williams

IMDb score: 7,6 (201.472)

Releasedate: 11 December 1998

Rushmore plot

"Love. Expulsion. Revolution."

Max is a student at a private school. He gets bad grades but organizes all sorts of things around school. He befriends the wealthy and depressed factory tycoon Blume and falls in love with his teacher, Miss Cross. He finds out that Blume is also in love with Cross, and seeks revenge.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Herman Blume

Rosemary Cross

Bert Fischer

Dr. Nelson Guggenheim

Dirk Calloway

Margaret Yang

Magnus Buchan

Dr. Peter Flynn

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Nice! I went in blank (my to-see-list is too big, I don't read anymore) and ended up in a comedy; not my favorite movie genre, but was pleasantly surprised. Absurdistic, but in normal contexts. Almost all characters have something special and the mutual friendships between old and young, which would go completely wrong in 'the normal' world, give a fresh approach.

A few good laughs, for the rest it is mainly in a slumbering smile. Secretly, the film unfolded as a romance, to which I am quite allergic. But damn, by avoiding the Hollywood clichés, it just looked nice too. Special debut of the young protagonist and enjoy the role of Bill Murray. In the last quarter the film flickers like a house of cards, when the humor disappears a bit and yet those American morals come through. Then it feels just a little less sarcastic than the rest of the film. Anyway, Wes Anderson is a special one after all.

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Sergio Leone

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The first film in a planned catch-up series for Wes Anderson's films (of which I've only seen about 3.4). One of his first films too, and it shows. It's not quite the Anderson as I know him yet, but his sense of humor and characters are very recognizable.

Sometimes those characters are just annoying. The question is how funny they can be in their annoying behavior. Jason Schwartzman can sometimes, but not always. Bill Murray is also a bit cheesy - I think he's rather overrated. But Olivia Williams is a fresh addition. A type, but a fairly normal type. The scenes with her and either Schwartzman or Murray are always worth the effort. Very dry and sometimes bizarre but very nice.

All in all, a successful, different take on the (high) school film. Already recognizable Anderson. Visually solid and with some funny dialogues and a nice character here and there, but also a film that never rises above that. Looking forward to the rest of the catch-up series.


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