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Apt Pupil (1998)

Drama | 111 minutes
3,19 755 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United States / Canada / France

Directed by: Bryan Singer

Stars: Brad Renfro, Ian McKellen and David Schwimmer

IMDb score: 6,7 (42.556)

Releasedate: 23 October 1998

Apt Pupil plot

"If you don't believe in the existence of evil, you've got a lot to learn"

Young Todd Bowden discovers that the old Arthur Denker who lives nearby is a Nazi war criminal. Bowden confronts him with this, and offers him a deal: Bowden won't tell the police, and in return, Denker must tell him stories about the concentration camps in World War II. Denker agrees and Bowden visits him regularly. However, the stories Bowden hears slowly begins to affect his personality.

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  • 6316 messages
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Noble attempt by Bryan Singer to dethrone Victor Salva as Hollywood's pedo author. Nice 90s bad taste, a kind of 'Joel Schumacher meets Larry Clark' and MTV version of The Night Porter about a sado-masochistic ménage à trois between the eternal bad boy Renfro (fresh from Huckelberry Finn and Sleepers fame), a former Nazi and a creepy school counselor played by David Schwimmer with a mustache. You have to see it to believe it, what a remarkable curiosity. Chock full of dubious scenes and concentration camp kitsch. Clumsily filmed, even the scene where a cute, plump red-haired cat ends up in the oven, makes me laugh more, while I'm normally really a softy when it comes to animal cruelty, even with Pet Sematary II I couldn't keep it dry. The film further contributes to the aestheticization and occultization of Nazism, as if it were some kind of paranormal phenomenon - the ideology of McKellen's character takes the form of a paroxysm. Evil never dies!!! Those crazy Americans too. Yet it is the strange sexual tension that predominates – and this is Singer's hand, who presents Nazism as a grooming ritual, seems obsessed with tight leather uniforms and Renfro constantly peeks at the camera, while his girl is a total of 40 seconds of screen time. Or to put it in the winged words of McKellen: "My dear boy, can't you see we are fucking each other?"

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Pretty decent film from a more than fine story written by Stephen King.

The film's biggest problem is that, despite the nice story, the decent acting and a pretty nice constructed scene of the older man in the hospital who recognizes Dussander and then throws himself crying into the arms of a nurse [ /spoiler], that scene does quite a bit for me, the film never really gets exciting or gains from a dark atmosphere that might have been a good match. The feeling that could have been played with the dark fascination of the boy and the idea of the older man being a ruthless and sadistic criminal is underplayed. In terms of atmosphere, much more could have been done despite the great story and the stranglehold in which the two have each other.

Nice to see again but not a great movie.

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Really interesting movies make you think. Star wars or lord if the rings don't do that for me. That's why I loved this movie. Would I have acted like that? Would I have gone crazy? Would I have gone mad? Would I have been the worst of all? I don't ask those questions with 5 star blockbusters. Das leben der Andersen, the killing fields, starship troopers, natural born killers.....films with a message...

.. such a shame that they are not commercially interesting because smooth entertainment sells better.

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