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Sliver (1993)

Thriller | 106 minutes
2,51 638 votes

Genre: Thriller / Erotic

Duration: 106 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Phillip Noyce

Stars: Sharon Stone, William Baldwin and Tom Berenger

IMDb score: 5,1 (35.071)

Releasedate: 21 May 1993

Sliver plot

"You like to watch... don't you?"

The beautiful Carly Norris moves into a towering building where a series of mysterious and fatal accidents have recently taken place. Carly comes into contact with her inmates, including Zeke Hawkins, a wealthy bachelor, and Jack Landsford, who is investigating the dramatic events in the apartment building. When Carly falls in love with Zeke and rejects Landsford, she finds herself in a murky and mysterious world, unaware that every step in her luxurious apartment is being recorded minute by minute by a mysterious voyeur.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Carly Norris

Zeke Hawkins

Jack Lansford

Vida Warren

Judy Marks

Samantha Moore

Alex Parsons

Victoria Hendrix

Mrs. McEvoy

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Sergio Leone

  • 4218 messages
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The wafer-thin story itself still had the potential to be exciting at times, but for an "erotic thriller" there is very little (sexual) tension in the air. Actually none at all, to be honest.
Sliver has been fumbling for more than an hour and a half, trying to make the viewer doubt the two guys, but after fifteen minutes it is no longer interesting.
The ending is also too ridiculous for words, with another stupid one-liner on top.

Itt Basic Instinct, Sharon Stone now puts down a vulnerable character. She's not a femme fatale, but she is the target. This is clearly not going well for her. Little remains of the chunk of sensuality she is in Basic Instinct. What we get is a wooden performance with little presence.
William Baldwin is not good either. He also has the disease that all his brothers also have: an arrogant head and a much too hoarse voice.
Since the two main characters soon turn out to be disappointing, it is hoped for a better performance from Tom Berenger, who still has more talent. Unfortunately, he doesn't really care about it either.

Director Philip Noyce fails to create any tension. Otherwise, the location (and to a lesser extent the plot) offers plenty of options.


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After years of (re)reading the book, I looked again.

Atmosphere from the book is presented very well, not extremely exciting but intriguing...

And Carly looks very attractive, a classy lady.

Plot is not very strong but the atmosphere more than compensates for that, good film.

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Disappointing film in which a woman moves into an apartment whose previous tenant committed suicide. An erotic thriller that only had the right to exist because of Basic Instinct. Nowhere exciting, rather messy and by the end you don't care who the culprit is and why. Presumably something went wrong with the mix of Ira Levin's book and Joe Estzterhas' script.

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