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Shadowlands (1993)

Biography | 131 minutes
3,50 210 votes

Genre: Biography / Romance

Duration: 131 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Richard Attenborough

Stars: Anthony Hopkins, Debra Winger and Julian Fellowes

IMDb score: 7,3 (20.910)

Releasedate: 25 December 1993


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Shadowlands plot

"He distanced himself from love as he distanced himself from pain, until one woman got close enough to open his heart to the world."

CS Lewis is the author of the book The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Known as Jack, he taught at Oxford University in the 1930s. An American fan, Joy Gresham, arrives to meet him for tea in Oxford. That moment is the beginning of a love affair.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

C. S. 'Jack' Lewis

Joy Gresham

Christopher Riley

Harry Harrington

Simon Chadwick

Desmond Arding

Father John Fisher

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Roger Thornhill

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The risk that the story could be reduced to a cliché like "spontaneous American meets subdued Brit outburst" (and I know, it is based on historical characters and a real marriage, but "really happened is no excuse" as Reve said) Fortunately, this is completely overcome because the two protagonists bring their characters to life in a beautiful way and Hopkins is not only reserved but also humorous, curious and full of perspective. I couldn't keep it dry during the final scene , and it's wonderful that my emotions were not controlled by manipulative music. A very sensitive and moving film, first seen in the mid-90s, now revisited via a 2016 Paramount DVD with English subtitles, a good but not remastered transfer and no extras – we'll just make do.

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Excellent film about the writer and teacher CS Lewis who receives a letter from a female fan. The relationship that develops is central here and is fascinatingly developed (two different characters; the straight-talking American married woman and the reserved English bachelor. The fact that the film is set in the 1950s also contributes to this. ). Some beautiful dialogues and two wonderful roles by Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger.

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Very beautifully and skillfully filmed, although perhaps a little too much in the romanticizing Oscar film style from the 1990s. The cast also does a very good job, but in terms of screenplay the film wanders a bit. Especially at the beginning, things move far too quickly, while other scenes later seem a bit long-winded. As a result, some - in principle interesting - themes do not come out quite well.

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