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9 Rota (2005)

War | 139 minutes
3,42 461 votes

Genre: War / Action

Duration: 139 minuten

Alternative titles: 9th Company / De Negende Compagnie / 9 Рота

Country: Russia / Finland / Ukraine

Directed by: Fedor Bondarchuk

Stars: Fedor Bondarchuk and Mikhail Evlanov

IMDb score: 7,1 (21.839)

Releasedate: 19 September 2005


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


9 Rota plot

"They stood together while their country fell apart"

Late eighties. Immediately after completing basic military training in the Soviet army, young recruits are sent into the thick of battle during the military campaign in Afghanistan. They will find there hell and very cruel jihadi.

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A look at the harsh reality during the war in Afghanistan in the late 1980s.

The film is split into 2 parts.

The 1st part focuses on a couple of Russians who volunteer to participate in the war in Afghanistan.

Their lives largely consist of smoking weed and women.

However, they will soon find out that training is no fun.

Things get serious in the second part of the film.

Although some Russians seem a bit irritating, the film manages to captivate enough.

You remain quite impressed afterwards, and hope that you never have to experience this misery.

But what those Russians have ever seen in Snow White.......???

You have to be pretty stoned for that!!

3.0 *

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We have now had a huge load of war films from America (whereby the theme in 2013 has already become quite dull) about WWII, but also only the Iraq War and the Vietnam War. Now Russia is coming out with such a film, about a war that they also started themselves, namely the one against Afghanistan.

And we can already expect a Full Metal Jacket movie. The first hour takes place at the military camp, where the protagonists are introduced here as the soldiers, each with their own private lives that blend or clash, from gentlemen to artists, to young fathers, to men with a family, and where they can also be completely scolded by their General Dygalo, with a big nod to Sgt. Hartman. Here it is a little bit overdone.

The scenes in the battlefield are also very well done, and there is also not a hair of sensation and "heroism" to be seen here, while the film manages to remain realistic. No cheering soldiers shortly after a massacre, no toughness just before a mission, just pure fear and the will to survive. Meanwhile also with a lot of mischief between the crew members.

Simply a very handsome Russian war film, which Hollywood can still suck at.


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knusse stoel

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Excellent war film that can really venture into the Hollywood productions!

It always starts in these kinds of films with the training of the "young dogs" that will soon be released in a war zone. And for those who didn't already know that; Afghanistan has never been conquered by any other country in history! The Russians could have known that they would never win this war but still invaded the country by a majority of facts, including incorrect ones.

The war did not last 4 weeks, as the Kremlin believed, but 10 years. That probably cost the then president of America, Carter, the re-election. Reagan took the throne in his place.

After the training of the soldiers, under a drill commander who also wants to return to Afghanistan, they go to the site of action after about 3 months. And there their romantic view of the war is shattered into shards. One after another loses his life.

Finally, they fought at the end of the war, they still see the army being withdrawn.

A hard war film, especially in the 2nd part of the film that destroys all the beautiful things some people think of war and shows how absurd it really is. Money and lives are wasted for the dreams of a few at the top, dreams that are a harsh reality for soldiers and yield nothing to the people!

An 8.

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