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Max Manus (2008)

Biography | 118 minutes
3,61 383 votes

Genre: Biography / War

Duration: 118 minuten

Alternative title: Max Manus: Man of War

Country: Norway / Denmark / Germany

Directed by: Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg

Stars: Aksel Hennie, Agnes Kittelsen and Nicolai Cleve Broch

IMDb score: 7,3 (30.587)

Releasedate: 18 December 2008

Max Manus plot

After fighting the communists in Finland, Max Manus returns to his homeland Norway, which is occupied by the Nazis, at the start of World War II. He joins the armed resistance and soon becomes one of the key members of Gunnar Sønsteby's infamous Oslo resistance group. Attacking German ships in the harbor of Oslo is their specialty.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Ida Nikoline 'Tikken' Lindebrække

Kolbein Lauring

Sykesøster Liv

Jens Christian Hauge

Sigurd Jacobsen

Gunnar Sønsteby

Lars Emil Erichsen

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  • 4829 messages
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Norway's national hero.

And of course you can't just make fun of the national hero. So the story is fairly traditional, following the actual events quite closely and certainly without any overt frills or romanticization. The somewhat more difficult question that the story raises - is the resistance actually worth it - is briefly asked, but not elaborated on. That wouldn't really fit into the story either, it's more up to the viewer to think about that.

Aksel Hennie as figurehead plays well, knows how to bring a credible Max Manus to life. The rest of the cast is not inferior to that, they are certainly very well played. And what also gives the film something extra is that there is not more or less watched on a kronor.

Still, the whole thing remains a bit on the boring side here and there. Not surprising, because it is, after all, primarily a history lesson.

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I never actually knew that Norway was also so involved in the Second World War, but Germany had also occupied that country at the time. Just like in the Netherlands, there was also a resistance there and we see that reflected in this film, which paints a good and credible picture of the resistance in Norway at the time.

Max Manus, however, starts off a bit messy. It's difficult to connect some things in the first half hour and the film seems to jump a bit from scratch. Slowly it becomes more coherent and we get to know the person Max Manus. He is played superbly here by Aksel Hennie. He turns his role into a strong and credible character, who knows his insecurities, but who is not afraid to fight for a good cause. The missions and actions are sometimes quite exciting and the tone and setting are sometimes nice and raw. The action looks very good and the fact that this movie was made on a budget of under ten Million Dollars makes it all the better.

Furthermore, it is a nice straightforward film, without too many sidelines. Only in the first part too many people are introduced in too short a time. In addition, the unfinished romance between a German officer and a Norwegian typist feels a bit redundant. Apart from that, it looks nice, it remains believable at all times, Max Manus is even quite exciting at times and it is all well portrayed.


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It doesn't happen often that we get to see a movie from Scandinavia about WWII, but this one here is a good one.

Sober, no desire for sensation, credible, neatly filmed battle and sabotage scenes and with good interpretations.

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