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Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000)

Scifi | 118 minutes
1,47 585 votes

Genre: Scifi / Action

Duration: 118 minuten

Alternative title: Battlefield Earth

Country: United States

Directed by: Roger Christian

Stars: John Travolta, Barry Pepper and Forest Whitaker

IMDb score: 2,5 (84.188)

Releasedate: 12 May 2000

Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 plot

"Take Back The Planet"

In the year 3000, humanity is oppressed by the Psychlos, a race of violent aliens bent on world domination. After everyone has already given up, there is one more person who tries to fight the aliens: young Tyler.

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  • 4636 messages
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There has been a lot to do with this film. Death wishes, raids and careers on the rocks. If Battlefield Earth has done anything (unintentionally), it's definitely cut the neck of pulp movies with big budgets. The average scores that the film gets worldwide mainly say that there are a lot of people who take the film way too seriously. Look at the title first and put it into context. Just before the turn of the century, so many products were given the addition '2000'. Just to give the impression that this is something of the future. How do you ridicule that? Right, by replacing 2000 with 3000.

The movie itself is, of course, ridiculous. Cavemen take on the Klingons from The Simpsons. You hardly notice it in the beginning, but the finale is an epic finale in which all the laws of logic are defied. Cavemen piloting thousand-year-old fighter jets after a crash course, it's both horrific and brilliant to watch. I laughed the proverbial balls out of my pants. Baking cheese and pulp are reviewed, but not all scenes are equally memorable. I still enjoyed the role of John Travolta. The concept is still quite nice still quite nice and at certain moments has a funny effect. Still, I would like to see a good, serious movie about an alien invasion, although I did enjoy myself here with overestimating, arrogant klingons. Just a really bad movie. So I never really understood the fuss.

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  • 19 messages
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Bad script, ridiculous dialogue, plot holes the size of a spaceship, overacting everywhere, horrific art direction and then the picture is also skewed: I really can't say anything good about Battlefield Earth. Therefore the lowest possible score.

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Haha, what a joke. The film deserves its reputation, because it feels like a sci-fi epic that takes itself very seriously, but which actually misses the mark on every level. Now, no doubt the source material won't be much either, as I have little faith in L. Ron Hubbard's literary qualities, but at least the plot defies logic. With cavemen who can fly in fighter jets, ten-foot-tall rasta-klingons as hilarious bad guys, Forest Whitaker in his worst role ever, and special effects that, given the budget, are really bad at times. In any case, enough is happening, although the logic in it is not really detectable. And bizarrely enough, the image is skewed in just about every shot, only the angle at which sometimes varies. Who thought that was a good idea, I wouldn't know, but it turns out that such a vanity project by a Hollywood star can go wrong. Anyway, it was very bad, really boring, so Mr. Travolta can have an asterisk. It certainly didn't become "Like Star Wars, only better".

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