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Traffic (2000)

Crime | 147 minutes
3,50 2.054 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 147 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: Steven Soderbergh

Stars: Michael Douglas, Benicio Del Toro and Don Cheadle

IMDb score: 7,6 (223.264)

Releasedate: 27 December 2000

Traffic plot

"No one gets away clean"

Robert Wakefield has just been appointed head of counter-narcotics. But he doesn't know that his daughter is experimenting with drugs. It doesn't take long for her to become addicted and in trouble. Just across the border, in Mexico, the honest detective Javier Rodriguez faces the impossible task of doing his job while his colleagues are constantly bribed. And then there's housewife Helena who discovers her husband is a drug trafficker.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Robert Wakefield

Javier Rodriguez

Caroline Wakefield

Montel Gordon

Manolo Sanchez

Eduardo Ruiz

Ray Castro

Seth Abrahms

Gen. Arturo Salazar

All Media

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avatar van Fisico

Fisico (moderator films)

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Traffic has become a fascinating insight into the war on drugs based on a mosaic film in which four characters take center stage. The situations of these individuals are - if it is not already clear enough - distinguished from each other through color shades. On the one hand you have the cool blue colors for one story and the normal colors versus the yellow-brown tones. So it is not surprising that Soderbergh, among other things, scored highly with this technique at the Oscars at the time and was allowed to take home four coveted statuettes.

Technically, the film is well put together. Good cast with excellent acting as well. The different stories are nicely alternated so that it remains interesting. The daughter's story intrigued me the most. It never got sentimental. And there are indeed more explicit movies about drugs like Trainspotting or Requiem for a dream just to name those two. Traffic also draws attention to the hopeless and ruthless fight against drugs and the devastating impact it can have on society (corruption, crime, massacres, individual enrichment and damnation, ...). Thick 3.5* to close to 4.0* leaning.

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De filosoof

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A very good film that highlights many aspects of the 'war on drugs' and thus provides a complete but also realistic picture. Not all scenes are equally strong, but most are, which results in an exciting, oppressive and penetrating film.

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