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Three Identical Strangers (2018)

Documentary | 96 minutes
3,48 261 votes

Genre: Documentary / Biography

Duration: 96 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Tim Wardle

Starst: David Kellman, Robert Shafran and Edward Galland

IMDb score: 7,6 (42.366)

Releasedate: 29 June 2018

Three Identical Strangers plot

"The most amazing, incredible, remarkable true story ever told."

New York, 1980: Three boys who are complete strangers to each other, Bobby Shafran, Eddy Galland, and David Kellman, accidentally discover that they are identical triplets, separated at birth. The joyous reunion of the 19-year-olds catapults them to international fame. The brothers quickly become friends and open a restaurant that becomes a huge success. But their fairytale reunion sparks a series of events that eventually uncover an extraordinary and sinister secret.

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  • 12399 messages
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Excellent documentary about three teenage boys, who do not know each other and discover that they are triplets. Definitely a special story that is interesting on multiple levels (even if it doesn't really go into depth on some aspects). Well edited, with some images being repeated, but where you look at them differently each time.

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This story is amazing, in which chance brings together identical triplets, raised separately by adoptive parents, and it is equally surprising to learn that the separation and the choice and composition of the adoptive family is the subject of planned research work.
It's a pity that little concrete is revealed in the ending, except that in addition to nature, upbringing and environment are at least as decisive for the further course of life., but I knew that for a long time.

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Fascinating documentary about three boys in 1980 New York who accidentally discover that they are identical triplets, separated at birth. The cheerful beginning soon makes way for something more sinister, when it turns out that there is a lot more going on. This incredible and often tragic story unfolds like a thriller, packed with bizarre developments and unexpected twists. Stranger than fiction, that's what you call it.

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