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Wolfblood (2012-2017)

5 seasons
No votes

State: Ended

Genre: Fantasy

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Debbie Moon

Stars: Bobby Lockwood, Kedar Williams-Stirling and Leona Vaughan

IMDb score: 7,4 (4.206)

Releasedate: Monday 10 September 2012

Wolfblood plot

It is already difficult to go through life as a teenager these days. For 14-year-old Maddy Smith, it's even more difficult. She is a member of the Wolfblood family, a clan that consists of people who also possess wolf powers. She likes all her powers such as extreme speed, strength and grace, but these powers also have a negative side. The secrets and problems that these powers bring with them cannot be put to good use by Maddy. It soon becomes clear that Maddy is not the only Wolfblood and that the Wolfbloods also have many enemies.

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