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The Recruit (2022-2025)

2 seasons
3,27 64 votes

Alternative title: Graymail

State: Returning Series

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Alexi Hawley

Stars: Noah Centineo, Laura Haddock and Aarti Mann

IMDb score: 7,4 (54.952)

Releasedate: Thursday 15 December 2022


The Recruit plot

Owen Hendricks is a young lawyer who starts his career at the CIA. Although he has only been part of the organization for two days, Owen soon finds himself dealing with a potential data breach that could release endless files of classified information. When a former CIA asset, Max Meladze, writes a letter from prison saying she will expose the CIA if they don't clear her of a crime, it's up to Centineo to save the agency's secrets. Owen soon becomes caught up in the blackmail scheme.

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Opinions about The Recruit

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  • 18 votes
Saturday 24 December 2022
The Recruit season 1

Better than expected. It's all unbelievable, but I could go along with that with this series. It is not approached too seriously, the pace is high, the locations are beautiful, the chemistry between the actors is fine, Centineo is a sympathetic protagonist and the women are beautiful (an understatement). Laura Haddock in particular is on a roll, and hopefully she'll be back for a season 2 (if there's one at all).

The Recruit is the ultimate binge series. After an episode you actually want to watch the next episode right away. Good sign!

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