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The Old Man (2022-2024)

2 seasons
3,35 48 votes

State: Returning Series

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Jonathan E. Steinberg

Stars: Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow and Amy Brenneman

IMDb score: 7,6 (52.096)

Releasedate: Thursday 16 June 2022

The Old Man plot

Dan Chase is a former CIA officer. About a decade ago, he left the CIA and disappeared to live completely invisible. When a hitman arrives and tries to take out Chase, the old cop learns that he must reconcile with his past to secure his future.

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Opinions about The Old Man

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.

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  • 266 votes
Monday 22 August 2022
The Old Man season 1

It's nice to see Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow together in a series like this and both are in good shape, but unfortunately the material is letting them down a bit. After the first fine three episodes, things collapse considerably and the story actually gets smaller and smaller, just when you expect the series to go big. I am therefore curious what they will do in season two, which has already been announced. I enjoyed Bridges and Lithgow, but I doubt I'll be there next time.

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  • 417 votes
Thursday 10 November 2022
The Old Man season 1

Masterful and inventive seven-part spy drama with a fast pace and good plot twists in the first three episodes. Jeff Bridges plays Dan Chase and has to run immediately. What exactly remains unclear for the time being, but as usual in this kind of series for demons from the past. And for the CIA, in the person of mastodon John Lithgow in the role of Harold Harper. That past is set in Afghanistan, as we see in flashbacks.

Bridges, 72, who was diagnosed with cancer during the shooting, wears The Old Man; lived through, with enormous expressiveness, creaking and grating and nowhere routine. Episodes four through seven are slower, more contemplative and more predictable. The lock won't appeal to everyone either. In short: a great series with strong protagonists that leave the feeling that there could have been more in it.

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