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The Diplomat (2023-2025)

3 seasons
3,70 113 votes

State: Returning Series

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom / United States

Developed by: Debora Cahn

Stars: Keri Russell, Rufus Sewell and David Gyasi

IMDb score: 8,0 (71.513)

Releasedate: Thursday 20 April 2023


The Diplomat plot

Kate Wyler is an experienced American diplomat who is about to leave for Kabul. Then she is suddenly installed as ambassador in London. She doesn't have much choice: the interests are clearly greater than an attractive career switch. Because the details remain a bit sketchy at first, the resourceful Wyler leaves for the British capital without knowing exactly what she will find there. Hal follows in her wake: her partner, colleague and competitor.

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Opinions about The Diplomat

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.


  • 433 votes
Sunday 30 April 2023
The Diplomat season 1

As Sidse Babett wears Knudsen Borgen, Keri Russell does in The Diplomat. Russell (The Americans), also an executive producer, manages to portray her role as US ambassador in London in a vulnerable yet powerful way. The Diplomat has a fine balance between serious and light-hearted, although it sometimes leans a little too much towards soap. More believability and more dramatic elements would have done this season good. The screenplay by Deborah Cahn (The West Wing, Homeland) is routine but sparkling enough.

The Diplomat has quite a few similarities with Borgen's S4; it's all about wayward women with personal issues. But where Borgen is vibrant, The Diplomat is quite static; the mainly verbal action takes place in office spaces and country houses. The trips to the countryside seem rather forced. Nevertheless, The Diplomat is a fine, ingenious series full of strong women and annoying men.

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avatar of Captain Pervert

Captain Pervert

  • 37 votes
Wednesday 11 October 2023
The Diplomat season 1

Looks great, with a top cast. Russell from The Americans, Sewell from The Man in the High Castle and Chuck McGill from Better Call Saul. Dialogues are well written and are about something. Sometimes it goes a bit fast, so keep your wits about you.
Among all the CIA/president/war series, this one is striking because of the way they interact with each other. A chief of staff who just goes straight against the president and all that. You don't see that very often.
4 stars! I'm looking forward to season 2.

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