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Silent Witness (1996-2025)

28 seasons
3,68 390 votes

State: Returning Series

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Nigel McCrery

Stars: Emilia Fox, William Gaminara and David Caves

IMDb score: 7,9 (13.750)

Releasedate: Wednesday 21 February 1996

Silent Witness plot

Sam Ryan works in Cambridge as a forensic pathologist. The police and the Public Prosecution Service regularly request the help of its forensic laboratory for their investigations. Later Sam Ryan works in London. She made it to "Professor of Forensic Pathology" at the university there. Sam is supported in her work by her colleagues Harry Cunningham and Leo Dalton. After Sam Ryan, Nikki Alexander becomes the face of the forensics lab. She has a deep-seated sense of justice and is persistent in getting the truth out. She does not limit her research to the walls of the laboratory. The straightforward and sometimes dangerous course she sails regularly gets her into trouble, both professionally and privately. Nikki's eye for detail often uncovers surprising new evidence. Not always to the satisfaction of the police inspectors in charge of the investigation.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Dr. Harry Cunningham

Jack Hodgson

Dr. Thomas Chamberlain

Dr. Nikki Alexander

Clarissa Mullery

WPC Lisa Skinner

Janet Mander

Anthony Gilston

Videos and trailers

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Opinions about Silent Witness

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.

avatar of ZAP!


  • 713 votes
Thursday 17 June 2021
Silent Witness season 1

Great series. Amanda Burton / Sam Ryan may be a little too… something, and the images in the examination room are occasionally quite intense, but it still manages to captivate. Beautiful Cambridge where it takes place, interesting things that are played out quite naturally and of course I really appreciate the era that more often resembles the 80s.

I'm not sure if I've seen these early episodes before, often I do, so I'm not sure. Looking forward to the next 20 seasons.

fat 8.

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avatar of AniSter


  • 534 votes
Friday 27 September 2024
Silent Witness season 1

I have seen 27 seasons of this series. For me one of the better crime series. Every two episodes show one completed case, with one exception. However, there are also a few storylines, usually about the private lives of the main characters, throughout the series. Also, in certain episodes there is a reference to old cases. In that respect it is recommended to watch them in order. With about 120 cases I thought this series would get boring for a while but the opposite is the case. It remains as fascinating as ever. I liked a few episodes a bit less, especially those that took place abroad. I also liked the episodes in which Amanda Burton made a comeback a bit less. I thought Nikki was the better character; for me she is the face of this series. I thought the "silent witnesses" on the dissection table in the lab were very well done. Totally gross. Judging by the number of scenes without a mask during those sections, there apparently wasn't any smell at all... I'm looking forward to the 28th season!

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  • 2315 votes
Tuesday 4 December 2018
Silent Witness season 16

I just don't understand the turnaround, series seems much colder than before, much less exciting, much less intrusive, much less ... . Just everything seems a lot less, I can remember that from the first series as a (too) young teenager I sometimes lay awake at night but this is really nothing. Fortunately, Emillia Fox is still there.

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